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A closer look at key topics in the downstream oil and energy industry.

IMO 2020, Shipping

Expert Sees Winding Path to Standard VLSFO Spec

After years of debate and a period when “IMO 2020” fuel-spec mandates dominated headlines, very low sulfur fuel oil has

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IMO 2020, Shipping

Market Interrupted: Price War & COVID-19 Nudge IMO 2020 to the Back Burner

Years of preparation for new IMO 2020 regulations by shipowners, refiners, traders – and anyone else involved in marine

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IMO 2020, Shipping

IMO 2020 Fuel Regulations: The Impact on Refiners

A lot of energy industry press coverage in 2019 was devoted to something called “IMO 2020.”

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IMO 2020, Shipping

IMO 2020 Resources Kit

A potential oil price game-changer will arrive as a belated holiday "gift" to the market this year -- IMO 2020.

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Spot Market, IMO 2020, Shipping

IMO 2020: Practical Analysis from a Global Shipping Hub

2020 brings radical changes for the global shipping world. We’re talking about IMO 2020.

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Spot Market, IMO 2020, Shipping

IMO Compliance Scramble: IHS Markit Study Findings

The oil market is facing a fuel specification change for which neither the refining nor shipping industry appears to be

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