The two-week-long run up in bulk U.S. gasoline prices in summer 2018 hit a mid-July roadblock when oil prices tumbled.
July 02, 2018
Retail Market, Gas & Diesel
Gas station operators, distributors and retailers were likely glad to see spring 2018 fade into the past.
June 25, 2018
Spot Market, Rack Market, Retail Market
The world runs on fuel. From upstream resources, like crude oil and natural gas, to refined products, like gasoline or
June 18, 2018
Spot Market, Rack Market, Retail Market
A steady diet of curveballs may be the best way to describe the first half of 2018 for oil and fuel prices. Revisions to
June 11, 2018
Retail Market, Gas & Diesel
Mergers & acquisitions have changed the face of the modern retail fuel marketplace. It's a trend that appears here to stay,
May 21, 2018
Retail Market, Gas & Diesel
Baby, you can drive my car – if you’ve got $2.75-$3 per gallon this summer.