Video: Analysis of July’s Oil Price Drop

July 2018 has so far witnessed a steep drop in oil prices. 

In this 2-minute video, OPIS Chief Oil Analyst Denton Cinquegrana discusses the factors pressuring prices. He also examines the potential impact on retail gasoline prices.


Find out more about oil and gasoline prices in the OPIS Outlook Forecast Mid-Year Review. In addition to a full discussion of geopolitical forces on the oil market and an in-depth look at U.S. supply and demand, we’ll cover:

  • How the announcements made at the June 22 OPEC meeting will shape the fortunes of oil prices for the remainder of 2018
  • The effect of RINs market volatility on RBOB gasoline futures prices
  • The major headlines that are shaping gasoline and diesel prices this year.

Click to get the OPIS Outlook Forecast Mid-Year Review.


Tags: Rack Market, Retail Market, Spot Market